
The content of this blog deals with personal, sexual and relationship problems with frank discussions that might offend.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rise And Fall

Another day, loveys, another batch of problems. My thanks to Dave, and Hide It Under The Table, whose respective problems I have faithfully reproduced here:

Dave said...
Auntie Marga, I hope you are a genuine Auntie. I am in trouble and i need advice. My wife is 19 and the most gorgeous creature ever to walk the earth. Recently I discovered that she has slept with my nephew, my brother, and also my niece. This morning I caught her in bed with my grandson. She seems to be working her way through my entire family. I am at my wits end. Should I divorce her or, as I feel I should, forgive her.

Auntie Marga said...
Dear Dave,

Many people in your position would feel fortunate to have a marital partner so youthful in years, lovey. A young girl can make a man feel so vibrant, so healthy, so horny. But I can see your predicament, Dave: Do you cut this woman out of your life and quell the supply of regular sex, or do you forgive her and carry on with the type of sexual action men of advanced years such as yourself usually dream about?
I cannot tell you what to do, lovey, I can only advise. And my advice is this: When you meet up with your friends on a Friday night in the pub, which Dave do you think is most envied - The Studly Dave with the 19 year old nymphomaniac wife, or Lonely Dave who is generally too tired to even lift a pint due to excessive masturbating? Think about it, lovey.

Enzio Pesta said...
Dear Auntie Marga, I get an erection every time I visit Olaf Legend's blog. It usually happens at work and ALWAYS just before I'm about to go into a meeting.


"Hide it Under the Desk" Come by Chance, Newfoundland

Auntie Marga said...
Dear Hide it,

Yes, it is normal to have meetings at work, lovey. Often, they provide the very foundation to a mentally profitable vocational experience. Don't be ashamed. Without meetings, man would be lonely.

So far as the erections are concerned, I cannot tell you what to do, lovey, I can only advise. And my advice is this: try thinking about hairy men. That can sometimes reduce any unwanted enlargements. Or hairy women, depending on your proclivities.

Failing that, try flicking the helmet, lovey.