
The content of this blog deals with personal, sexual and relationship problems with frank discussions that might offend.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Smooth First Entry

Okay, loveys, I am new here, so please be gentle with me.

Let's open the floor to new questions. Let's hear them, loveys, no problem is too big or too small. I will leave the comments part of this page open and you can leave all your problems there where I will copy and paste them onto regular entries so the world at large may point and laugh at you.

Don't be shy, and be as anonymous as you like - and remember: It's never a problem if the whole world knows about it.

Dr Marga Thwaites


Anonymous said...

Dr Marga, I hope you are genuine. I am in trouble and i need advice. My wife is 19 and the most gorgeous creature ever to walk the earth. Recently I discovered that she has slept with my nephew, my brother, and also my niece. This morning I caught her in bed with my grandson. She seems to be working her way through my entire family. I am at my wits end. Should I divorce her or, as I feel I should, forgive her.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Marga i am 16 years old boy and gay. I have a girl, but i am in love with her 17 year old brother. I just found out he is gay, too. how can i find out if he feels the same way as me?

Enzio Pesta said...

Dear Dr Marga,

I get an erection every time I visit Olaf Legend's blog. It usually happens at work and ALWAYS just before I'm about to go into a meeting.


"Hide it Under the Desk"
Come by Chance, Newfoundland

Auntie Marga said...
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Auntie Marga said...
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Anonymous said...

I have genital herpes. My new boyfriend doesn't know this. How can I break the news to him "gently"?

"Can't Sit Still"
Dripstick, Nebraska

Anonymous said...

I be 14 year boy live in Sri Lanka. My teach she very sexy and I know not how me going ask to have the sex. Can I get the pregnant from this if she say yeah? I no speak engrish so good. sorry for this. I tierd of pig fat in mrs. five-finger and want the slip eel go into damp cave of love. Can'st you help the my? or me have to see viallge priest?

Anonymous said...

I have a very small penis and I find it humiliating when it comes to taking a shower after games. Everyone at school laughs when they see my miniature manhood and call me names like Needledick. Because of this all the kids at school take the piss and I have lost all confidence. I try to get out of having a shower with all the boys, but it's no use. They just laugh at my smallness. It's getting so bad, I am thinking of giving up teaching altogether.