
The content of this blog deals with personal, sexual and relationship problems with frank discussions that might offend.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Why Auntie Is So Fantastic

This is ever so embarrassing, and I am not a party to it in any way. But I have been asked to list all the reasons why I think I'm great. Oh, the absolute shame of it. This really is humiliating to be asked to write out all my fantastic attributes.  Oh all right then.

1. Auntie has helped many poor individuals with good advice concerning sex, relationship problems, legal misunderstandings, sex, nuisance neighbours, healthcare, and sex.

2. Being a minor celebrity in my local town has not clouded my outlook. I am still the same loveable approachable Auntie. Only now I am a bit more famous and wealthier.  And you have to make an appointment to make an appointment to talk to me.

3. I help people of all creeds, colours, and races. As well as some from Birmingham.

4. I regularly give a large amount of money to charity, even though I never publicise it.

5. I have been through three divorces, and proved that by coming through that, I am a stronger person. My husbands were all weak kneed eunuchs, by the way.